I've made your next movie night that much more relaxing by narrowing down thousands of options to the 20 best of the best. Another pay-per-view dead end, and you may turn the TV off altogether! Long story short: the search kills the mood. Slowly but surely, you’ll both get tired and agitated. You’re either in the mood (or hoping to be), and the last thing you need is a lengthy list of titles you don’t even recognize. If you’re on a date, snuggling up to your partner hoping for some.I’ll just call it what it really is.inspiration, a movie search can feel like a maze. This matter becomes even more difficult when you’re looking for a specific type of movie: a sexy one. Or worse, you find a movie you’ve been dyinggg to watch only to hit the paywall and discover it's not a part of your subscription (*clench fist*).
By the time you’ve searched through all of the options in all your favorite genres on all of your streaming services, it’s likely too late to sit back and really enjoy a movie. Deciding what movie to watch is almost always more trouble than it’s worth.